View Profile DantasticDan

17 Audio Reviews

8 w/ Responses


Hey man, I liked this! It was pretty trancy.
Get the full version of Flstudio!! You need it. Much more to use.

The only thing I recommend is using some better transitions. They were all pretty basic. And repetitive. Although I really liked the last one you use the.. BreeEEET.

ANYWAY, Good job c;


KingTornadoTalon911 responds:

The ending Brreeeet noise, huh?...
Well, Nice to know it tickles you fancy! ^_^

THanks for the Response!

You know...

I like it .. A lot!!!
It really is quite great sounding. Reminds me of like.. Cage the elephant.
Just make sure you make the guitar stand out a bit more. Especially near the end. It sorta blends together and NO BLENDING. BLENDING BAD.
Well with this at least.. With Smoothies, milkshakes, baking cakes, making concrete, and um.. making children yeah it's fine. But in this fine piece of musical collaboration, blending is not what you aim for. Or else it's just sorta noise you know? But this .. I like it. Keep working at it. Message me with a link when you get vocals in. Hell, if you have a band and albums, I just might buy one :3

Keep me posted



I play in a real band.. A Post hardcore technical pop alternative band, and.. Well I'm not dissing you.. Just when I write songs I like for them to.. Pop, you know? And this just.. Didn't. I was all just pretty gummed together. Make sure you make it stand out. The only part that really did stand out was after that... Um.. what happened at 2:38? I had to turn my speakers like.. up 5 clicks to hear it.. And then the crazy guitar was like BAM and I was like D:
Make sure.. MAKE SURE You equalize your sound. DO that. Your to do list.

1. No gummyness
2. Make more things stand out.. like... A good type of "BAM".
3. try and make it sound less generic. Make it unique.
4. Alternate drumbeats a bit better
5. Add bass
6. Have fun with it. It doesn't sound like you were having as much fun as you should. Let the music flow out of you. Muted notes are fun, but don't overdo them. Play with your heart not you mind.

There's my short review ;P

(good job nevertheless)


coolio30 responds:

Thanks for the review! As I aid this is my firt song using my new software and is kind of a.... Prototype if you get what I'm saying. I wanted to get the basics of the software down. I'm a novice mixer so this isnt the best quality, but it's better mixed than any of the other songs I've posted. About the drums... It was hard thinking of a beat that ounded really great, so I ued a lot of double bass. And on the topic of bass, I dont have one. I would really like to get one but at this moment, can't. I may borrow a friend's just for recording.

I love it<3333

Just... So good<3

oh my god!

It keeps getting etter and better hahah, it's so great. Keep going.


Dude, i really like this. Great rave/techno/beat song. I love the fast beat and the.. Ahh i love it. Good job dude. THis is gonna do really well! :]
<3i love you<3

animefireball responds:

Thankyou ^//////^

Eh yeah.

It's good for what it is but, what it is isn't much.
For a pokemon remix good,
but i dont think it should be number 2.
I could play pokemon too it though..
I could see myself castin my charizard right about.. Now :D...
And then the enemies gyrados using a jet of water to extinguish my charizards life...
This brings back bad memories of my childhood :'(

b0b3rt responds:

I'm sorry that you failed @ elite4 =(


This is by far the most amazing, catchiest thing ive seen on here, :D


It doesnt even sound like a loop.. I didnt know it was until i looked at the bar. I had this open for a good hour just listening, ahahah. And i was at the brink of going insane when i relzied it had been a loop the enire time...


Your parents must be so proud =]

b0b3rt responds:



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