Wow man.
This sounds really good. Very professional. Will you have my babies?
Wow man.
This sounds really good. Very professional. Will you have my babies?
:O :D :(
Great man
Oh wow dude. Great track. THis is flawless. Did you use a program or real instruments?
It's great dude. Like i was just sitting here the entire time just staring off into space. Usually when i listen to audio im on facebook, or talking on aim.. But this made me like..Freeze, really good.
Really amazing
Can i use this for a flash game?
I love you.
Im going to come back to listen to the song while high on acid, and see how many babies i kill.
I couldn't stop smiling whle listening to this...
Thanks, that means alot :D Glad you liked it ^^
And thanks for the 10 and the support :D
Joined on 4/5/08